TOPP PRO amplifiers repairs – MAXX SUB series

TOPP PRO amplifiers Repair – MAXX SUB series

These are the amplifiers for the speakers MAX SUB series with 400W-600W (power) and 97dB (spl); the model of the amplifiers is based on the speaker size: MAXX 8A SUB for 8″, MAXX 10A SUB for 10″, MAXX 12A SUB for 12″ and MAXX 15A SUB for the 15″.

The service provides for the repair (not the replacement) of the amplifier present in the speaker rear side, for all the faults related to their electronics.
The cost does not include the repair and/or replacement of the loudspeakers.

MAXX 8A SUB – 8″
MAXX 10A SUB – 10″
MAXX 12A SUB – 12″
MAXX 15A SUB – 15″

TOPP PRO amplifiers Repair - MAXX SUB seriesOPERATION
The amplifier must be delivered directly or by courier, after a telephone request for the authorization number (RMA); this number will univocally identify the repair of the equipment and will be reported in all shipping and invoicing documents.

In case of shipment by courier, being a relatively heavy object, pay close attention to the care of the packaging to be used.
It must always be used a package with dimensions (width, height, depth) increased by at least 10cm compared to those of the amplifier itself (eg an amplifier with dimensions 25 x 25 x 14 cm, requires a package with minimum dimensions 35 x 35 x 24 cm).
The amplifier must therefore be inserted into a plastic bag and housed inside the shipping box, taking care that the external surfaces of the amplifier itself are about 5 cm far from the box sides. This position must be obtained with “soft” fillers (eg polystyrene in slabs or “potatoes”, foam rubber, …).

the cost for the above described repair service, is € 98,00 (VAT excluded).

The repair is covered by a warranty for 90 days from the date of the repair.
The guarantee does not includes transport costs to and from our premises.
The listed price refers to the equipment repair and is net of VAT (excluding VAT) and transport.