other Instrumentation (sound level detection) - Repair service - www.memsys.it

Other Instrumentation (sound level detection)

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Other Instrumentation-sound level detection

MEMORY SYSTEM offers the sound detection instrumentation repair service; the service specifically deals with the instruments used in laboratories, professionals, research or detection entities.
The service includes, among others, the most common Calibrators and Sound Level Meters produced by Bruel & Kjaer; for some of the aforementioned instruments there are various levels of repair service, depending on the fault present on the instrument itself (whether it is an electronic fault, wear/breaking of keys or loss of acid from batteries).

From the “REPAIR SERVICES” menu, place the cursor on the item “OTHER INSTRUMENTATION (SOUND LEVEL DETECTION)” to select the instrument and view the details of the service.

If the instrument is not listed, you can contact our Customer Service through the contact form, to check the possibility of repair it anyway.


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