B&K 4226 Calibrator Repair.
The 4226 Calibrator is an instrument which, despite the design date, is still in production and widely used in various professional fields.
This Calibrator, in fact, constitutes a milestone in the instrumentation used for the periodic control of the sound level meters of daily use.

The B&K 4226 Multifunction Calibrator allows the verification of the Sound Level Meters at 11 different frequencies and at 3 different Acoustic Pressure levels, with other collateral functions.
The typical defects of this Calibrator are connected to the non-linearity of the acoustic pressure at one or more frequencies (the Calibrator emits a signal at an acoustic pressure different from what was expected).
Memory System is now able to provide the complete B&K 4226 Calibrator Repair Service.
This service allows you to restore the full functionality of the Calibrator, quickly and at absolutely low costs.
Included in the service are the repair of the electronic part of the instrument and the repair of the Acoustic Transducer.
The repair will then be completed with the certification of the instrument carried out by an accredited (external) laboratory. The cost of this certification is included in the price of the service.
Activation of the B&K 4226 Calibrator Repair service is absolutely simple. Just contact us by phone or through the contact page of our website, to get all the information about it.
Memory System offers a wide range of repair services for sound detection instrumentation.
We remind you, among others, different models of sound level meters and calibrators, on which we are able to provide a service linked to the criticality or defects typical of the instruments themselves.
In this regard, we refer to the pages of our website www.memsys.it
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