Presentation – MEMORY SYSTEM news
This section of the Memory System website was created to host all the information and news relating to the Company’s activities.
Active on the Italian market for more than 30 years, Memory System has set its business on electronic service and repair.

The service offered by Memory System, therefore, is divided into two main sectors; the industrial sector and the Information Technology sector.
In the industrial field, first of all we typically speak of repairing electronic instrumentation and / or industrial equipment; in the IT field, the service therefore concerns some types of Apple personal computers and peripherals.
As you can see, scrolling through the pages of the official website, the equipment and instruments for which we offer our service are many.
We have included acoustic pressure measurement instruments, sound level meter calibrators, equipment and accessories for exhaust gas analysis. There are also some Apple CPUs, which despite being out of production, are still used by many professionals.
It is also possible to find some equipment for big events.
This section was created to provide details about the additional devices and instruments on which we operate, recently introduced in our service portfolio, to give them visibility compared to the classic sections of the official website.
Further details are available on the website pages.